
Sep 26, 2010

Unstable [Fullstop]

olrite. lame x hapdet. kenape? tiap kali nk hapdet, save as draft je.
tgk title post. serabut semacam. indicate situasi aku sekarang ni. .
sibuk2 pon leh apdet blog? misti ade pk camtu. tp lantaklah,. aku nk ngomel bebel panjang2 lak kang, kesian kt rumet. so taip kat sini je lah.(ni kn blog aku. pedulik ape)

sumpah. stress sgt. kenape? macam macam lah. x perlu cite kt sini. karang abes blog ni kene flag as spamming ke mende ke. senang crite. mmg aku stress. ye, stress. kalau agak2 aku x reply mesej ke, x agkt call ke, x on9 gtalk,x reply email. x senyum ke. murung ke. harap semua maklom., kondisi aku x stabil sekarang ni.

misti korang pk aku mcm hampas je. stress nk tulis mulis kt blog kan? org len sibuk pon x cite kt blog, aku yg picisan ni., sibuk x sibuk sgt pun nk belagak stress. kan? ah. pedulik la korang nk komen ape. aku mmg stress. over-stress dah kot. lantaklah. otak aku dah x boleh pk sgt dah. dah la. stress lak buat post ni. da~

*kedit aku mengalir cam sprinkler kt padang golf yg luas ber-hektar -hektar. sori kalo x reply mesej.chiow~


Dee said...

alololo.. sabar je la amad
responsibility/expectation mmg cmtu
brbaloi mmg brbaloi,but it come wit a price
hepi always :)

dqeen said...

at times mmg ko akan diuji. ko rse cm tersepit. tp in the end ade reward/kesenangan ko akan jumpa. insyaAllah.

aku tau ko kuat nak harung mendehalahmendehalah ni.jgn ah x hepi2. ko salu buat aku hepi bila aku xhepi T_T itu amad yg aku kenal..


Anonymous said...

hye..lame xdengar crita...n rase nye dah lost contact trus since sy dah lame xon9 ym..hehe..
if u still remember me..bonus to me!hehe..pape pom..after read your entry tuuh..rase cm bersimpati plak..biase la kan..lumrah hidop memang ade pasang surut...ermm what can we do..just patient n tabah...haha..tu jep mende untok org stress neh...sabaw yep bebanyak...hehe...nnti contact lah sy dekat fb..if u have a leisure time lah..hehe...