1. Please upload pictures of your favourite foods (donuts,noodles,ice-creams,dishes & etc):

big apple (ak pun x tau nape ak ske mkn.. huhu)

(** senanyer fevret ak lain, tp tade gmbr, so letak je la gmbr2 kt ats neh.. )
2. Why do you like to eat it so much?
sbb da rezeki.. xkn nk tolak kot... syukur2.. ^^
3. Who tagged you with this tag? Describe briefly about him/her.
sarawak. . baek ngn sha(ehem2**), baek ngn sumorang gak..
teror programming.. ari tu ash pna citer psl negeri dy kt ak..
(mmg mmbuat kn ak nk pegi gegile aa sarawak... huhu~)
means klu da bley yakinkn org tu,,, berbakat besar as a promoter,,
xpun pemandu pelancong... hehehe.. jgn maraa aaa ash.. wakakaka
4. Can you cook? (YES or NO)
so-so.. hahaa
5. If you answered YES to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to cook for, state what do you want to cook for him/her and why do you want to cook for him/her. If you answered NO to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to treat to a lunch or a dinner, state what food do you want to treat him/her and why do you want to treat him/her.
saje.. sbb bru smlm chat ngn dy n dy kate dy slalu masak,, haha~
6. Tag another 8 bloggers and state the reason why do you want to tag them:
1)izzah - nk tau dy ni pndai masak ke x.. haha
2)kak ida - pun same gak alasan
3)syahmi-saje je nk tag dy.. haha
4)sha-saje nk redundant tag.. wakaka
5)shad-nk bg rumet ak addict ngn tagging.. huhu
6)awien-pndai ke awin masak?? haha jg mara. lala
7)afnan-my old fwen.. pe ko pndi msk?? haha
8)miya-saje je.. hehe
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